Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Friday! That means it's confessial time ya'll!


that I haven't blogged since last Friday's confessional.  I know, I suck, but I've been crazy busy!  I had the best Easter weekend with TSGITW, his family, Sweetpea, and my own darling Mama!  I'll try not to bore you with tooooooo many details... I'll just say that there was shopping, wonderful seafood (I went to Huck's for fried crawfish TWICE last weekend), a birthday party and cookout, midnight egg-dying, Easter baskets, a spectacular performance by Sweetpea at our church's Easter service and a very relaxing Sunday... followed by a week of actual work at my job.

that I have caught up on work and am now blogging from my desk at work, because I forgot to pay my home internet and,well...still haven't gottten around to doing so.

that I only took a half dozen pictures this past weekend and they were all of the midnight egg-dying.


Sweetpea looks adorable, as always, TSGITW and I just look tired...ah youth!

that I'm being a bad Mama this weekend and leaving Sweetpea with my Mama to head to New Orleans with TSGITW for his birthday. In my defense, she's a teenager and it's just not as much fun to hang out with your Mama when you're sixteen, so other than the fact that she's ticked at being excluded from a trip to The Big Easy...she's good with it.

that I'm boring. Yep, that's all I got for this week. Hopefully I'll get up to some debauchery in New Orleans and have more to share next week. You just never can tell! ;)
Ya'll have a fun weekend!



  1. Girl, you've got to go to Pat O'Brien's and have a Bloody Mary. Best I've ever had. They're hurricanes are pretty damn good too! Lol...have fun and make sure to yell "throw me sumthin' mista!"

  2. I've never been to the Big Easy. Have a great time and don't feel bad about leaving SweatPea. When I was sixteen I didn't like going on trips with my folks either. When I worked I always blogged at my desk. Got me through the work day!

  3. How was New Orleans? Ok...tell me what TSGITW stands for again? I can't remember. I hope you had a great time and all the rain didn't end up down there!
