Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday!!! first link party...yay me!

FRIENDSHIP this is my first attempt at a "link party" excited! But first, a great big shout out of THANKS YA'LL!!! to Impulsive Addict and Mamarazzi. They are so sweet and I have already received comments back from both of them after commenting on their blogs. They even helped me to get my email set up to my blog! So, again, THANKS!!!
   My blog today is posted in the color PURPLE because today's theme for WWTK is friendship and my bestie loves purple!!!
   The QUESTIONS (and my answers, of course):


{1} Do you make friends easily?
     Um...typically, I would say no...I make acquaintance-type friends quite easily, true friends (you know, the ones that grab hold of your heart and won't let go?) I have a few and I have known them forever. I am one of those love -to -make -new- friends type of people, however. it just takes me a little time to get to that "you are my friend and I trust you implicitly" stage!
{2} What 3 qualities are a MUST in a friend?
     A. HONESTY!!!! Lies will ruin a friendship! BIG lies (ie: "I wasn't kissing your boyfriend, I was telling his lips a I had to get really close."), little lies (ie: "No, you look great in a should totally buy that." hear later at the pool..."Wow, check out the fat chick in a bikini"...yeah, not so much loving you then) ALL LIES STINK!!!
   B. SUPPORT!!!
"Friends are like bras: close to your heart and there for support" true. The best friends in life are the ones that you may go long periods of time without talking to (you know, life happens and you drift away) but when you do reconnect it's like you've never been apart.One of those is my dear friend J1 (had to give her a # cuz there's a J2- btw the #'s represent only the order in which I met these you two if you read this quit speculating!!) Anyway... I've had some serious crap in my life over the past few years. Back in 2009, I lost my husband (D) to a rare form of cancer. J1 and I have been friends since we were 7 years old, but due to life we would lose touch, reconnect, lose touch again, this point in our lives, we had physically "seen" one another exactly ONCE in 17 years...but she supported me through this crisis 100%...even driving from TX to attend the funeral! ( I also had major support from J2 and S as well!)
  C.  HUMOR! I must have laughter in my life...I love the fact that my friends can say some random something and have me literally laughing out loud! Sometimes, I will think back on a convo I had days before with one of them and find myself giggling! I try to do this quietly or else I get strange looks from the people who aren't in on the joke. Plus, they must "humor" me and sometimes that probably puts a strain on my friendships.
{3} What makes YOU a good friend?
     Wow! That's a hard one...I guess the fact that I truly love and care about my friends makes me a good friend. Each of my close friends is family to me. I try to be a good friend and be there for them when they need me, even if all I can do is give them my undivided attention and listen to their woes.
{4} Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life? Yes? Tell us about the meet up. No? Who would you love to meet?
     Nope...I'm new to "blog-world" so I haven't really gotten to know anyone yet, but based on the blogs I've perused (stalked :) ) and the people I've "talked" to thru e-mail...I'd have to go with Impulsive Addict...she's so sweet and helpful and besides, she looks like she's having so much fun in her pics I want to grab my bestie and head over her way for drinks!
{5} Who is your best friend? Tell us about them.
     Okay, now I know this is a long post and you're bored, but this girl is the BOMB so please read on! J2 (henceforth referred to as JO) has been my bestie for 23 years now. JO and I have been inseperable during this time (well except for that year during/after high school when we refused to speak to one another, but I don't like to think about that time in my life without's just sad...not to mention STUPID since to this day neither of can remember WHY we quit speaking, lol). We have been thru high school (with stupid snotty people we didn't like or who didn't like us because we were snotty, but NEVER stupid), the births of our children, losing husbands ( thru divorce or death)," men that need killin", raising teenagers (okay, still going thru that one), and numerous bottles of wine (to make it thru all of the afore-mentioned things. She is a much better friend than I am, yet she still keeps me around. She not only helped plan my wedding (when I decided not to have a big wedding and instead to plan a wedding with 30 to 40 guests at a friend's home in 2 weeks), she spent 6 hours decorating for it and then showered and dressed in 20 minutes before helping me get ready.  JO was my staunch supporter while my husband was ill, during his death and afterward. This girl took almost A MONTH off of work during his last days and following his death. She drove from her home in FL to MS to Tulane Hospital in New Orleans, LA over and over and over. She took care of my daughter, she brought my Mama to the hospital, she did things for me and D that most members of my family wouldn't do. She literally stayed by my side throughout the entire process. She listened to me cry, withstood my rants and general bitchiness, and even chewed me out and gave "tough love" when I needed it! JO is my daughter's favorite "aunty" and spoils her rotten (I mean how many 16-year olds get Mikimoto pearls and the matching earrings for Christmas...and from a non-blood relation no less?). And to top it all off, she introduced me to "The Sweetest Guy in the World"!!! for which I will be ever grateful.(don't get me wrong, she's not totally selfless...she's demanding recommpence from TSGITW for introducing him to ME -all she wants is a little ole pair of Christian Louboutins) ( and btw JO I am working on him...don't worry, one day you'll get your Louboutins). All in all, she is the very best friend a girl could hope for and she's mine....she's the sister of my heart and I love her!

GOD made us friends because HE knew no Mom could handle us as sisters!


  1. I want a pair of Laboutins!!! BUY ME A PAIR TOO!! I mean, I helped you out, right? I bet they feel so good on your feet. *SIGH*

    I love all your qualities! I'm with ya on the humor. If we can't laugh together, we will break up sooner than later. That's just the way I roll.

    Your bestie sounds like a keeper! Great pic of the two of you also.

    I will be your very first FOLLOWER! YAY! Cheers to more as you figure out this whole blogging world. It's so fun!

    Thanks for linking up!! =)

  2. aww sister of my heart, so sweet.

    i own a pair of Laboutins and they were a gift from a FRIEND of mine. i was her labor coach and actually ended up delivering her baby on the side of the road...a moment i will never forget and that deserved a FABULOUS expensive pair of shoes.

  3. oh and thanks for linking up!! i fixed your linky.

    and since you asked, just click the title of the post you want to link up and grab the NEW url from the address bar...that's the one we want.

  4. I agree that honesty is so important in a friendship. It is all about being able to be honest from a loving standpoint and not make the other person feel like you're just attacking them.

  5. The cheerleaders at my daughters school have t-shirts that say "we're just like you only better" close and equally as funny!

    "Telling your lips a secret" what kind of bull crap is that? That's grounds for a beating, I do not share my man!

    What a special person JO is! I'm sorry you had to go through such heartache losing your husband but I'm grateful you have JO by your side! TEARS!

    Thanks for linking up!
